Apprentice Indentureships, agreements between two parties where one party is bound to service as an apprentice for a specified period of time, are centuries old types of legal contracts. It was common in Europe to learn certain crafts by entering apprenticeship with a skilled workman. [Read more…]
A Guilford Minute: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
Have you ever heard the phrase – signed, sealed and delivered?
This idiom refers to a legal deed, which to be valid had to be signed by the seller, sealed with a wax seal, and delivered to the new owner.
“Signed and sealed and delivered” was a phrase used in a letter from Samuel Andrews to Mr. David Naughty dated March 27, 1732. The letter confirmed Mr. Andrews’ receipt of Margarett Naughty, the niece of David Naughty and the details of her indenture-ship until eighteen years of age.
Other letters were signed, sealed and delivered by the Post Office. [Read more…]
Quarterly News: April to June, 2018
Here are three interesting and fun opportunities from the GPA, PLUS: A Guilford Minute…
The Guilford Preservation Alliance endorsed and financially supported (Hugh McK. Jones Memorial Fund*) this event as part of its mission to preserve the history of our Town.
You are invited to attend and witness this commemorative ceremony. [Read more…]
Quarterly News: January to March, 2018
Happy New Year to all! It has been another exciting and productive year for the GPA as we continued to pursue our mission of preserving both the built and natural environment of Guilford. Here are some of our accomplishments this year: [Read more…]
Quarterly News: October to December, 2017
Come see and learn about Guilford’s Gothic Bowling Alley! The Guilford Preservation Alliance awarded Dr. Richard Lewis a $5,000 grant toward the preservation of the historic bowling alley located in the far rear of his property at 29 Broad Street. [Read more…]
The Trolley Viaduct
A historical sign for the Trolley Viaduct, 468 Water Street, is being produced. [Read more…]
Fall 2017 Guilford Preservation Alliance Newsletter
The Guilford Preservation Alliance Newsletter Fall 2017 is available here on our website (click on the image or the link, and the newsletter will download to your computer), and has also been mailed to our members. [Read more…]
2016 Guilford Fair Day Parade
A Digital Tour of Architecture Around the Green / Guilford Preservation Alliance Awards for Efforts of Preservation
A Digital Tour of Architecturally Significant Buildings around the GreenFollowed byThe Guilford Preservation Alliance Awards for Significant Efforts of PreservationJoin Dennis Culliton and Virginia Gresham as they demonstrate the newly available digital tours of Guilford Center. These tours include historical photographs and detailed audio recordings describing the history and architectural features of important local buildings. The tours can be accessed at the location sites through QR codes.
Following the digital tour GPA President Shirley Girioni will lead the Guilford Preservation Alliance’s Annual Meeting which will include the presentation of 8 awards for significant efforts of preservation by individuals and groups in the town of GuilfordMonday, September 26 at 7 pmGuilford Free LibrarySponsored by the Guilford Preservation Alliance and the Friends of the Guilford Free Library. To register,
please call (203) 453-8282, stop by the reference desk or click hereGuilford Free Library ~ 203-453-8282 ~ ~ 67 Park Street
Photos from Kiosk Opening, May 9, 2016
A gallery of photos from the grand opening of the Guilford Information Kiosk. To view enlarged images, double-click on the first image, then use right arrows to proceed through the gallery. To return to the page, click the X in the top right corner.
- Boynton Schmitt
- Selectman Carl Balestracci, Jr., Town Engineer Jim Portley
- Carl Balestracci, Jr., Jim Portley, State Senator Ed Meyer, First Selectman Joe Mazza
- Russ Campaigne (architect of kiosk), Frank DePino of mediaBOOM
- State Representative Sean Scanlon and board member Tracy Tomaselli
- State Senator Ted Kennedy Jr., Boynton Schmitt, Jean Richards, Board President Shirley Girioni
- Board President Shirley Girioni speaking
- Ted Kennedy, Jr., Sean Scanlon, Joe Mazza
- Boynton Schmitt cuts the ribbon
- Mary Jo Kestner, Frank DePino, Russ Campaigne,
- Boynton Schmitt, Jean Richards, Frank DePino
- Boynton Schmitt
- Frank DePino, Sean Scanlon, Shirley Girioni, Joe Mazza, Boynton Schmitt, Ted Kennedy, Jr.
- Joe Mazza, Boynton Schmitt, Ted Kennedy, Jr.
- Sean Scanlon, Shirley Girioni, Joe Mazza
- Mary Jo Kestner, Sandy Ruoff (Director of Guilford Free Library), Russ Campaigne
- Boynton Schmitt, Jean Richards
- Learning about the website
- Ted Kennedy, Jr., then GPA Board members (Heidi Samuelson, Kristen Popolizio, Veronica Soell, Shirley Girioni, Tracy Tomiselli), Sean Scanlon, Joe Mazza
- Ted Kennedy, Jr., Veronica Soell, Heidi Samuelson
- Carol Newton, Brian McGlone, Hunt Newton from AT&T
- Jean Richards, Boynton Schmitt, Scott Wands (CT Humanities Council)