On April 4, 2019 the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation awarded the Guilford Preservation Alliance the Harlan H. Griswold Award. Harlan H. Griswold was a founder of the CT Trust and longtime chair of the Connecticut Historical Commission. This award recognizes individuals, corporations, or organizations whose activities exemplify Mr. Griswold’s leadership, vision, and dedication to preserving Connecticut’s heritage and who by deed or example have made our state a better place to live. The GPA was chosen due to [Read more…]
A Digital Tour of Architecture Around the Green / Guilford Preservation Alliance Awards for Efforts of Preservation
A Digital Tour of Architecturally Significant Buildings around the GreenFollowed byThe Guilford Preservation Alliance Awards for Significant Efforts of PreservationJoin Dennis Culliton and Virginia Gresham as they demonstrate the newly available digital tours of Guilford Center. These tours include historical photographs and detailed audio recordings describing the history and architectural features of important local buildings. The tours can be accessed at the location sites through QR codes.
Following the digital tour GPA President Shirley Girioni will lead the Guilford Preservation Alliance’s Annual Meeting which will include the presentation of 8 awards for significant efforts of preservation by individuals and groups in the town of GuilfordMonday, September 26 at 7 pmGuilford Free LibrarySponsored by the Guilford Preservation Alliance and the Friends of the Guilford Free Library. To register,
please call (203) 453-8282, stop by the reference desk or click hereGuilford Free Library ~ 203-453-8282 ~ guilfordfreelibrary.org ~ 67 Park Street