What makes GPA distinct from other local non-profit organizations?
There are several non-profit organizations in Guilford involved with preserving the history, culture, and character of the town. The main mission of the GPA is preservation of the man-made and natural environment, which it carries out in part through community education and outreach, loans to help owners rehabilitate and preserve significant buildings, and partnering with other organizations and local officials to promote responsible development.
Where do GPA program funds come from?
Program funds come from annual membership fees and private donations.
How can I participate in your work?
Guilford is fortunate to have many individuals and organizations committed to preserving our architectural and cultural heritage. The GPA provides members opportunities to learn about this heritage and become involved in new and current projects. However, more members are always needed to join these efforts on a local level and to provide leadership for special projects. The organization welcomes new members and donations to support particular projects. Participation in the work of committees is possible without being elected to the board of directors.